I'm not saying I think buying yet another gardening book is a total waste of time...
but here are 3 things I know for sure will get you a gorgeous garden faster
Taking action
How about instead of using your precious time reading about creating your garden, you actually start creating it.
The tendency to over consume information on a topic is so fucking prevalent in women because we feel like we have to know EVERYTHING about a topic before we start.
This is because society has taught us its not safe to make a mistake, because we'll be ridiculed, admonished and made to feel like shit about ourselves.
Thats why when you work with me 1:1 we celebrate mistakes, encourage them even, because you only truly learn something by doing it and no matter how hard you try to do everything perfectly in your garden things will still die/ get eaten by slugs.
Starting small
It can feel really overwhelming to look out on your garden and know where to start.
My advice is to choose one area to focus your efforts on to begin with. Get it looking really good and allow your confidence in your gardening abilities to grow before moving on to the next area.
The tendency to spread ourselves too thin is ingrained in us as women because tasks and responsibilities keep getting piled on top of us.
It keeps us stuck, exhausted and feeling like we're not good at anything. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. Lets change that.
Gardening every day
NEWSFLASH: you are never going to get huge swathes of time in which to garden!
You feel fucking delighted if you get to drink a hot cup of tea in peace right now, so stop kidding yourself that you're going to be able to get a whole weekend in which to garden.
Let’s be more realistic and start with 10 minutes a day. Because we do actually want this gorgeous garden to become a reality.
10 minutes every day soon adds up, you'll be amazed at how much you can get done.
If you're sick of telling yourself that you're doing the garden this week and then getting to Friday and beating yourself up for life getting in the way, then lets chat about how I can support you to change that.
Send me a DM and lets get growing you a gorgeous garden.
Kendall x