I've got the antidote to burn out right here
46% of women and 83% of mums are feeling burnt out.
Just let that sink in a bit.
If I’m really honest i’d say its a lot more than that, but many women will just keep trucking on, pushing and pushing themselves not going to the doctor or even telling anyone that they feel so exhausted, miserable and low.
When I had my burn out episode in 2014 I had no idea thats what it was. I just knew I couldn’t stop crying, couldn’t sleep despite being utterly exhausted and felt like I was balancing on a knife edge near constantly.
Regular time in your garden, quietening your mind, reducing your stress levels and finding pockets of joy in your day is going to help you feel less like a crispy burnt out husk and more like the vibrant, life loving woman that you are.
I’m guessing if you’re here you’re interested in trying gardening as a way to quiet the noise or maybe you’ve given it a go. BUT theres’s something stopping you from making it a regular part of your self-care routine.
This is something we get into in my 1:1 offerings. I help you see where you’re blocking yourself from doing something that you know is good for you, and equip you with the skills you need to move through it.
Every time I have been stuck in my business or my life, i’ve stubbornly told myself that I can work it out, that I ‘should’ be able to do it on my own.
Until I decided to treat myself with kindness and compassion, stop shoulding myself and get some help.
Not something that comes naturally to us women raised in the 80’s and 90’s who were sold the lie that we could do it and have it all.
No one mentioned that that ‘all’ also included burn out……
So this is my invitation to you to show yourself some compassion and kindness and stop shoulding yourself into oblivion.
It’s ok to ask for help.
And do I have something fucking fabulous to help you right now!!
There’s something for all budgets and desired level of support in my Spring Solstice Sale.
Offer 1
Beginners Bundle
Everything you need to get started with gardening in 2024!
This introductory bundle is for you if you’re intrigued by mindful gardening and you’d like to give it a try as a way to take some time for you and connect with Nature.
Get access to the 3 masterclasses that will actually get you gardening as an antidote for burnout for just £50!
Offer 2
Border boost
Spend 30 days committing to improved levels of wellbeing in your gardenÂ
This is for you if you’re feeling exhausted and you know that regular time in your garden is the key to feeling better.Â
You’d love to have a brightly coloured border buzzing with life but you find yourself repeatedly saying ‘i’m too busy I’ll do it tomorrow’ and you want someone to hold you accountable to make it happen.
This 30 days of support will kickstart you into making gardening a regular habit, while you upgrade a border so that you can feel calmer, happier and more joyful.
Only 3 available.
Offer 3
Create your Dream Garden PLUS bonuses
This is for you if you want me to guide and support you through the process of creating your dream garden from start to finish so that you can get gardening regularly all year round and use it as a tool in your wellbeing toolkit for years to come.
When you decide to join Create your Dream Garden in the offer period not only are you committing to your health, wellbeing and garden journey but you’ll also get these fab bonuses:Â
Access to my mindful gardening community on Substack so that you can join in the conversations and get support from other women growing around work, family life and everything else going on in their worlds right now.
Access to all my masterclasses so you can continue to learn new gardening skills in between our sessions together.
Only 3 available
These offers, just like Cinderella and her pumpkin, will disappear at midnight on the 28th March (my birthday) so don’t hang about, especially if you’ve got your eye on something that has limited availability.
Kendall xx