If I have to see another ‘get in shape in 2025’ post online or while I’m quietly trying to mind my own business on my way to my local supermarket, I’m going to scream.
For three reasons.
1. You are so much more than needing to ‘be in shape’
What does that even mean anyway? What shape?
It’s a con you know, telling women they need to shrink themselves in order to fit in with society’s bizarre and ridiculous beauty standards. As if we are somehow only worth something if we take up the smallest amount of space in the room.
You see what the patriarchy is trying to do there don’t you? Keeping us small and obsessing over not being skinny enough, so we can’t put our energy into fighting the real injustices in the world.
2. Have you actually been to a gym and not been perved on?
I haven’t.
Men seem to think it’s their god given right to approach you while you are sweating it out on the treadmill. Trying some ‘cute’ (read cringe) chat up line. Or even worse they’re too scared to approach you so they just watch you creepily as they grunt their way through lifting the heaviest weights they can.
As if that’s going to somehow magically make you attracted to them.
3. Who has the actual fucking time or headspace to spend hours in the gym sweating it out?
I sure as hell don’t.
Let’s do a spot of maths shall we:
5 minutes to get your gym gear on.
At least 10 minutes to get to the gym.
30 minutes minimum workout, but likely longer because you have to wait for equipment/ fend off unwelcome advances from creepy guys.
10 minutes to get back from the gym.
That’s 55 minutes in total.
And what have you got to show for it, a nervous system that doesn’t feel all that much better because you’ve had to be on high alert the whole time rather than allowing your brain to switch off and be in the present moment.
The thought of finding 55 minutes in your hectic day for you just feels too much anyway so you add it to the ‘not for me’ pile.
That’s why my 5 minute mindful gardening activities are so powerful.
They’re short so they fit into even the busiest of days.
They can be done right outside your back door so there’s no need to get in the car to do them.
You don’t need to wear any special clothing.
They feel achievable and actually give you that headspace that you’re craving.
You’ll be moving your body, yes for only 5 minutes at first. But once you show yourself that you can do that, your brain and body will be desperate to increase your time out there.
If like me your neurospicy brain will thank you for giving it the gift of the sound of bird song and quiet over pumping bass and bright lights every time.
If you’d like to try moving your body this year in a way that feels nourishing and joyful and clocking up your Nature hours instead of your treadmill hours then upgrade to a paid membership of the Seed.
If you’d like a little more personal guidance, then come join me in Seasonal Sessions for a bespoke yearly care plan for your garden and me in your garden once a Season showing how to do the activities on your care plan. So that you can feel calm and confident in your garden this year.