You peel back the wrapping paper with excitement only to have your heart sink as you realise your Mother-in-Law has got you another set of smellies. You build up your hopes as you unwrap the next present, only to have them dashed again as you extricate yet another kitchen gadget that you know will sit at the back of the cupboard unused.
But the things you’d really like; more time to do something that brings you joy, more headspace so that you don’t feel like you’re running around like a headless chicken 24/7. And i’m guessing if you’re reading this you’re pretty keen on creating a garden that you love.
So how can you make sure you’re opening something you actually want on Christmas morning?
When I was at my most stressed I honestly struggled to even go for a wee without trying to do something else at the same time. Because I felt like I just didn’t have the time to do everything that was expected of me. Perhaps you’re feeling that right now?
I realised that no one was going to say to me, ‘here Kendall, have an hour to yourself each day’. It was going to be up to me to claim that time for myself. I started small, with just 5 minutes a day. I was intentional about it and did something that I knew would make me feel good rather than scrolling on my phone or getting frustrated with myself because I couldn’t bloody meditate!
The only person that can and will give you time is you.
The constant noise and consumption of modern life is overwhelming. There’s always some loud music or new flashy advert or social media video that wants our attention. And thats not even counting those little people and all their activities and needs that take up an inordinate amount of space in our heads.
You’ve read that meditation is key, but you’ve tried and you just can’t get your brain to slow.
The only way I have found to stop my mind whirring at 100mph is to garden. The repetitive nature of the activities, the ease with which I can focus on my senses really helps me to stay in the present moment, feel calmer and find that supposedly elusive headspace.
A gorgeous garden
Plan, plan, plan. Sounds so fucking boring doesn’t it?! But what i’ve found is, if you have a plan for where you want to get to and how you’re going to get there. You are far more likely to make it a reality. AND incase you are worried about getting bored. Having the bones of a plan and some structure allows you to be creative and flexible within that structure to keep things exciting and joyful!
If you’d like some support from me in making all of these 3 things happen for you then I have 3 ways I can help you that are perfect for gifting:
A year’s Subscription to the Seed on Substack - £50 or £5 a month
If you’re a bit of a DIY gal and only need some inspiration sliding into your inbox weekly then this is for you. You’ll receive mindful gardening and floristry activities each Sunday so you can take some time for you across the week to calm your mind and grow your garden.
If you’d like to receive this as a gift send this link to your Santa.
Create your dream garden- from £333 a month
This is my completely bespoke Gold Standard service. We’ll work together for a year to Plan, Create and then learn how to Care for your garden while you begin to carve out regular time for you so that you can find that headspace you’re craving. It’s a full year so I can guide you through how to care for your garden through all the seasons and help you enjoy your outdoor space no matter the weather. Plus creating a beautiful garden takes time and if you’re going to enjoy it, you won’t want to rush it.
If you’d like my help with just one of my pillars (Plan, Create or Care) then please choose the 4 month option.
A one off Garden Inspiration Session- £195
A this is for you if you have just one area of your garden you are looking to transform. Perhaps you’d like to create a new space to sit any relax in amongst sensory plants, or you’re keen to grow veggies or cut flowers and you’d like some inspiration deciding what to grow and how to space out your growing area for maximum harvests this coming year.
For gifting your Santa can purchase a gift card here so that you can book a time that suits you in the New Year.