Things to do this week in your garden- 7th April 2024 PLUS a fun challenge.
Mindful Gardening and Floristry activities to calm your mind and soothe your soul
I inched the buggy between the tables at soft play, willing her not to wake up. Once I’d safely made it across the room, navigating abandoned wellies, food encrusted highchairs and other buggies housing sleeping children I chanced a look at her.
The cross face with eyes wide open looking back at me told me exactly how the rest of my day would go. My heart sank.
We’re up in Yorkshire visiting family this weekend so we’ve been out and about a lot. Which inevitably means nap times are a little all over the place and truncated. Second child problems hey!
Sure enough she pretty much whined and stropped for the rest of the day.
It made me reflect on the importance of sleep and how a bad sleep can throw us so off kilter.
As I type i’ve actually had a fairly decent nights sleep, despite the occasional wake up to blow my nose due to the 7348th cold we’ve had this year so far.
But there were many, many nights when I didn’t sleep so well. Awake staring at the ceiling, mind whirring, panicking about work, panicking about kids, panicking about all the things I needed to do. I was so overloaded there were actually nights I considered getting up and just doing some of the things zipping around my brain then and there just so they’d fuck off!
The one thing that changed all this for me was mindful gardening. I know it seems like an oxymoron to add something else onto your already very full plate. But I promise you the clarity and headspace you’ll gain from a short time practicing some mindful gardening will enable to you get your thoughts in some kind of order and stop that racing mind in the middle of the night.
Why not join me for a month as a paid subscriber, try the weekly mindful gardening activities I send to you and track how your sleep and mood are by the end of the month. A fun ‘improve your sleep challenge’ if you will.
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I’ll be right here in the DM’s, on the paid subscriber only April Thread or the comments section on any post to help and support you as you prioritise your sleep and wellbeing.
Simply click on ‘Upgrade to paid’ below and type the word SLEEP in the comments on the post to join us.