Why Autumn planted gardens are healthier than Spring ones.
And what you can do to add some colour to yours this month!
You want to actually take action on creating your dream garden, but feel like you should wait until Spring to start. Thats when everyone starts a garden isn’t it? I beg to differ…..
Here’s 3 reasons why IMO September is actually the perfect time to start creating your mindful garden.
You can tap into those back to school vibes
Can you feel it? The crackle of energy in the air, and it’s not just the sigh of relief that all the exhausted parents in the land are exhaling as they finally find some headspace and quiet after a long 6 weeks.
Whether its because we have all been conditioned to feel a burst of energy in September thanks to our time spent in the classroom all those decades ago or because we get caught up in the frisson of excitement of not being asked for snacks 3789 times a day so we feel like we suddenly have the time and inclination to take action.
Whatever it is, use it to your advantage and lets make that garden (currently only existing in your head and on your Pinterest boards) a reality.
Cool mornings and evenings
Even though it’s set to be an absolute bloody scorcher during the day for the next few days. The night time temps are 16 and the mornings are still filled with that almost spooky autumnal mist before the sun comes up and burns it off.
Which means that your newly planted plants will get a chance to recover in the cool of the evening which may not be afforded to them in Spring.
You’ll give the wildlife somewhere to shelter over Winter
And you know what that means? Come Spring those critters that have made your garden home in Autumn will wake up from their Winter slumber and be HUNGRY! They’ll start munching on any emerging pests on your plants with ferocity and save you the job of having to use any of your precious time to deal with the pests.
It’s well acknowledged that the more diverse an ecosystem you can create in your garden the healthier your plants will be and the more nature will do the hard slog in dealing with pests for you.
But developing this ecosystem takes time, so why delay any longer? Get creating your brightly coloured wildlife haven today.
If you don’t wanna go it alone and you’d like a group of likeminded women to ride the wave with you, then come and join us in The Mindful Gardening Club where over the next 12 weeks I’ll be helping members take their gardens from bland and boring to bold and brightly coloured.
Kendall xx