Why is knowing what to plant in your garden so damn important?
Wouldn't it be great if more women knew exactly what they were doing in their garden, what plants to plant and where to plant them so that they could not only have a gorgeous garden but so they could take regular time for them out there, growing their plants, quietening their minds and reducing their stress levels?
But one of the biggest things that my clients tells me holds them back from doing this is knowing what to plant and where.
Some would say just choose what you like in the garden centre, shove it in and hope for the best. Which you can absolutely do, and perhaps you’ve tried, but it hasn’t worked out for you.
Here’s a few reasons why I think it’s important that you know exactly what to plant in your garden.
Choose the wrong thing for your space and it will struggle and die
Plants want to grow, but certain plants will thrive in certain conditions and others will……you guessed it, shrivel up and die. Or they might grow a bit, get your hopes up and then never flower properly because the spot you’ve chosen isn’t giving them quite what they need.
The problem with this is that as women growing up in the 80’s and 90’s we were raised to believe that we are the problem. So your default position is to blame yourself, tell yourself you’re shit at gardening and give up. And that means you won't get all those wonderfully mind quietening benefits of gardening (reduced stress levels, better sleep, feeling calmer and less on edge, dare I say it having more moments of joy throughout your day)
And you giving up on gardening is the last thing I want because I know and my clients know just how powerful it can be.
If you don't know you'll never start
Yes the dreaded procrastination and over-consuming of information holds so many of us back. We feel like we need to know ALLLLL the information before we can begin in case we do something wrong and get in trouble for it. Because if we read just one more book, it will contain the holy grail of information that means we won’t fuck up and we’ll be safe.
Our conditioning tells us that in order to stay safe we must always be a ‘good girl’ never step out of line, never do anything wrong whether by accident or on purpose, because when we do we’ll be punished for it.
So you keep consuming, researching, creating Pinterest mood boards but never actually take action for fear of doing something wrong.
The oxymoron is that you only actually need to know this one thing to exponentially increase your chances of gardening success, what to plant in your specific garden.
I am all about actually getting you started in your garden, because until you do that you can’t reap the rewards of a calmer mind and pockets of time for you every day. So I’m cooking up something to help you get started, see the end of this article for how to be one of the first to get involved!
So that you can feel excited and hopeful about growing your garden
There’s nothing worse than that feeling of uncertainty sitting in the pit of your stomach. With the world the way it is right now, the terrible atrocities being committed around the globe, the potential change in government coming up and what that means for you and your family the last thing you need is to be feeling anxious about your garden.
While your garden can help you to process many of those big difficult feelings that come up for you on an almost daily basis, if you’re anything like me. I want your feelings about the process of creating your garden to be ones of joy and excitement. I want you to have that warm glow in your stomach when you think about the plants you’ve chosen and planted. To feel that tingle when you envisage what they’re going to look like when they’ve grown.
And I have something to help you make that a reality coming really soon. Drop a ‘Hell Yes’ in the comments below if you want me to send you the link when it goes live….